We passed through New Orleans twice — in December and again in January — on the way from Texas to Florida, and then on the way back.
Few would dispute that New Orleans has a unique character. All great cities do, of course, but New Orleans has a totally special flavor about it. I could write a book.
This couple is in their nineties. But as you see, they are truly young at heart, in a way that couples (and individuals) five, six, or seven decades younger would do well to learn and emulate.
Age is a state of mind, and nothing will keep you young like having someone to love who loves you back every day more and more.
We met this couple by pure happenstance. They were only too happy to pose for a photoshoot, which lasted all of ten or twelve minutes, at most.
When my subject radiates joy of this caliber, I basically just hold the camera, and the photos practically take themselves.